About Swim Bike Run Yoga

Swim Bike Run Yoga is sports science aligned yoga for triathletes.

Swim Bike Run Yoga is brought to you by me, Kate Taylor, a British Triathlon Coach and a Certified IRONMAN Coach, as well as a Sports Specialist Yoga Teacher and Personal Trainer.

I have taught yoga for 20 years and practised it for longer. I’m convinced by the benefits as an individual and as an athlete.

I created Swim Bike Run Yoga website and soon to be published eBook to inform you about what is happening in some yoga postures which will be of benefit to you as an individual and as a triathlete. I want you to be able to discern what of yoga is useful to you and what is not. By being able to understand what yoga your body needs, you will be able to easily include yoga in your training.

As you will know from other aspects of triathlon training, getting the frequency and duration of training for each discipline right is key, as is consistency. To be able to do 15-30 minutes of the yoga you need a few times a week will benefit you much more than going to a class once a week or once a fortnight doing yoga in a general class.

You will be able to do what you do at home or work, fitting a session in at a time which also allows you to do your other training that day.

You will gain information about key yoga postures and movements, their benefits, and gain knowledge of functional sequencing. Postures and sequences are described with anatomical cues to help you ensure that you are using the muscles which should be working in the posture to gain the adaptations you are after.
